Project Timeline
Port Maritime Center Timeline
March 2023: Port and Tacoma Public Schools entered into an Interlocal Agreement to begin the planning process
August 2023: TCF Architecture/BNBuilders selected as the design-build team for the project
November 2023: Port building programming/design and site master planning process begins
November 2023: Public open house held at Foss Waterway Seaport
December 2023: Online open house/feedback site open
March 2024: Phase 1 (to 30% design) complete
April–October 2024: Phase 2 (to 60% design) complete
April 2024–December 2025: Ongoing master planning
May 7, 2024: Public open house #2, Foss Waterway Seaport
October 2024: Environmental (land) remediation work begins
February 2025: Ground improvements begin
Spring 2027: Construction complete
Maritime | 253 Design/Construction Timeline
March–December 2024: Ongoing design phase
Maritime programming development
Architectural design process
Partnership expansion
March 2025: Construction start
July 2026: Construction complete
Fall 2026: Skills Center opens
It’s important that we have a wide range of voices contributing their thoughts and ideas to help envision the future of the Maritime Center project. Please continue on to submit your feedback. We look forward to hearing from you!​